Thursday, June 26, 2008


Today was alot more work on my own. Simple but very quiet and if whoever you are reading this knew me you would know it is not easy for me to sit in quiet. Anyway, I put together a table to make it easier for me and Carrie to look at the information I have gathered on the countries.

· Stock- Fish & Fisheries
§ Landing Catch
§ Health / Resilience
· Fish Kills
· Disease
§ Biodiversity (what stocks are important, unique to area?)
· People
o Political
§ Management (how are fisheries managed? local, gov't, co?)-
§ Regulations - (what are the fishing regulations?-formal and informal, are the regulations changing?)
§ International Involvement / Cooperation - (do the different countries cooperate with each other?, if so how?, if not is there any indication they might?)
o Economical
§ Employment (fisheries down-science research up?)-
§ Income from fishing - (look at domestic and exporting)
§ Markets / Dependence - (What is happening with fish/food markets? How dependent are people on fish- is it their major source of protein?)
o Social/Cultural - tourism agencies; SPIA at UM; local newspapers/agencies in English; blog
§ Awareness - (What knowledge to people have about this issue? What are their perceptions?)
· Human Impact
o Emissions
o Fuel Choice
§ Involvement - (Are people involved in the issue? - local actions and efforts)
· People Involved (scientists, stakeholders, politicians, policy makers)
§ Concerns
· Floods
· Droughts
· Food supplies
· Water Supplies

I have most of the stock section done and alot of the political and economical sections done for the countries. Unfortunately there has been a hold up on my research because the site I use called FAO ( ) is not working.
Work is done for this week, I have basketball camp until Sunday and then more work Sunday night. Monday I will be on my own some more here because Carrie will be coming home from Canada but I'm sure I can handle it.
Until next time,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Feeling Productive

It's only my second day on my intern but I feel like I'm actually getting stuff done. I've gone through information on different countries and their fisheries and highlighted what I find important. I also feel better now that Carrie has given me an outline to go through and show what we really need to get done. I'm actually more interested in it now that I understand it more which is good I guess =). Tomarrow I will be by myself in the morning so hopefully I can get alot of reading stuff out of the way during that time. I actually got ahold of a girl in India and I'm hoping she can give me more insight and what she thinks on the matters. First I'm trying to be friend her though because I wouldn't want someone to come up to me and say heyyy how do you feel about the climate change in your ocean?! I also found a guy from China, he talked to me first and I don't know if he will know anything but it's worth the try. Anyway, everything is going good. I have basketball tonight and I start my second job Sunday. I won't be here Friday because I have basketball camp but I'm sure I will post tomarrow.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

First Day

Today was a long day. It was my first day in my internship and I'm just trying to process everything I need to know. It's not that it's too much its more like its just so hard to make it through one scientific article. Carrie and I are slowly going through the article that got Marine Science at UMaine all the money they need to do what we're doing. All in all it was a pretty basic day and laid back. I'm not sure how I'm going to fill all of my 34 days of this internship but I'm sure we'll find something. Anyway, this is what I learned today:
- The Arabian Sea is the only sea that changes the direction of its winds every year.
- In 1997 (?) there was a change in the winds, they came late and were not there as long as normal and in effect there were differences in the phytoplankton comin up to the top of the sea.
- I'm going to be working on the political, economical, and public perspective of the climate change effect on the Arabian Sea.
-The Cosee website is a great source of information (
That's about it for my first day.
Oh, and just a little add about my day, I got another job at a store called Justice so that way I can afford gas to go back and forth to Orono. good or too much for little ol' me, not sure, we'll see.