Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Brand New Week

It seems to me that the days are just going by slower and slower. When I get out of the office I'm fine but sitting here makes me even more tired than I really am. I came in early today so I can leave earlier thinking ' oo my day will go by faster! ' then I realized its still the same amount of hours.
Right now I am working on getting together information on fish in each country. It's really hard to find all this information and even harder to sit still all day to find it, but I'm dealing.
My research work is only half way done but slowly and surely I'm getting all of it.
Soon Carrie and I will be putting graphs together and picture to post on the COSEE website so that will be good.
I've also talked to some people around the world but none of them have seemed to be any help to me, I even tried the myspace route and idk if they think I'm a stalker or just don't like Americans but all I want to do is find out what they really think about what's going on, if they have any idea. One guy from Kuwait tried to help me but then ended up saying he wasn't real big into science so he couldn't help me. IT'S NOT ALL SCIENCE, you don't have to know science to have thoughts about your country's standings.
Anyway, thats what I have to say today. I was trying to pass by more time doing this but I haven't really done much else.
So until next time.

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