Wednesday, August 6, 2008

One more day...

Today I worked on my presentation and I must say, I'm pleased haha.
Tomorrow is my last day working in the office and its gonna be weird. I'm so used to waking up every morning and coming here that I'll probably be lost the first couple of days.
I got my first comment on my blog today, YAY and ummm my friend from Kuwait is in Tokyo so no fun news from her.
So that's about it.
Last post tomorrow.
Have a good one.

1 comment:

Knowledge is Power said...

Hi again,

Thanks for responding !

I tend to agree with your views; I just hope that we can make enough change to avoid the worst effects of climate change (i.e. massive biodiversity loss, deforestation, climate refugees, war because of increased pressure on ever diminishing resources and ever increasing population growth).

It seems that interests (e.g. such as the oil and mining industry) want to delay action.

Also people don't really want to make serious changes to their lifestyles because society is still very materialistic and also status and beauty obsessed.

Just hope people wake up before we reach any nasty tipping points.

If you are interested, I just watched a great doco on the melting Artic and climate change.

Available at:

Anyway, thanks again for replying.